There are several ways to check the results of Lotto 6/42. You can visit the official website of PCSO at to get the latest draw numbers.
  • You can also watch the live draw on PTV4 every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9:00 PM. 
  • If you prefer a hard copy of the results, you can get them from authorized PCSO Lotto outlets.
  • Additionally, you can follow PCSO on Facebook and Twitter to receive real-time updates about the results.
Here are the convenient ways to check Lotto 6/42 results:
1. PCSO Website: Visit for the latest draw numbers.
2. Live Draw: Catch the live draw on PTV4 every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 9:00 PM. 
3. Authorized Outlets: Get printed results from PCSO Lotto outlets.
4. Social Media: Follow PCSO on Facebook and Twitter for real-time updates.